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Konsultants | Kinsella KoolAid
Become a Kinsella Koolaid Konsultant (KKK) and spread the Kinsella Koolaid!
  • Do you have plenty of time on your hands?
  • Do you spend a lot of your time reading Facebook and watching YouTube videos?
  • Do you often find yourself being against things you don’t understand?
  • Are you easily confused and insatiably gullible?
  • Do you find it difficult to empathise with others, and see other human beings as just a means to your own ends?
  • Do you find you share opinions with people that most people would cross the street to avoid?
  • Have you failed to make an impact in your career or social life, and need something to make you feel better?
  • Did you have your hair cut at a dog groomers?
  • Do you want to speak to the manager?

If the answer to any of those questions is YES, then we want to hear from you!

We LOVE our Kinsella Koolaid Konsultants (or the KKK as we call them!).

By joining our team of KKKs, you can help spread the Kinsella Kool Aid, and as a Kinsella Koolaid Konsultant, you can also recruit other people to become Kinsella Koolaid Konsultants!

The advanced, multi-level marketing structure of the Kinsella Koolaid Konsultant Network means that the more of the Kinsella Koolaid you push, the more you get out of it! There’s no limit to the amount of people you can push the Kinsella Koolaid on to.

Don’t be afraid to join and push the Koolaid onto family members, parents at the school gate, or onto those who are having a hard-time in life and are susceptible to being taken advantage of. There is literally no barrier to the amount of people you can push into buying the Kinsella Koolaid, and even becoming a Kinsella Koolaid Konsultant themselves!

By using our advanced Konsultant technique, you can convince people that Kinsella Koolaid is the best-tasting and most palatable Koolaid out there! Our Konsultant technique has been based on tried-and-true techniques established by other Koolaid manufacturers out there, and it is so advanced, that even YOU won’t know that you’re being told to drink the Koolaid!